Sept ’14 update

The F-BOMB show is over, and I must thank everyone who bought a piece! THANK YOU! Of course, I still have a ton of the “lil’ fucks” on hand, you can’t expect to sell 50 of those suckers all at once! HA – I’ll get them on here hope fully soon. Maybe just a page instead of in the shop. ALSO- I do still have some of the F-BOMB screen prints available-

Only 20 bones, so pick one up today!

I’ve been working hard on a bunch (hard on! ha!) a bunch of new prints – including a bunch of comic book lettering collages and a Freedom print:

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I’m really digging halftones right now, CMYK process, and the like. Printing is fun. I enjoy the process of creating, separating and printing. All in the comfort of my own studio. It’s going to get cold down there so I have to kick out as much as I can while it’s still warm! Ha.

Prints are available in my shop, go get them.

I’ve also been toying with some abstract landscape painting ideas… these are more about horizons and planes, but I’m trying to figure out where they will lead. This is partially inspired by scraping paintings, and some artist I can’t remember the name of who uses really bright colors to depict realistic landscapes, but I’ll try to dig it up…

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In terms of the FUTURE – I have a group show in November to get ready for, this is a Collaboration with Ryan Holt and Peter Morris. We’ll see what happens. It’s called sketchy town or something. I need to get working on that.

I also have a solo show coming up in Omaha at the Pet Shop Gallery in Benson. That’s not until March though, but I have a lot of work to do! This will be the first public showing of my 1%ers series of paintings, prints, and artifacts. I am really really really excited about spending the next few months refining and defining this project. It will consist of 4 large paintings, some screen-printed art, and some other cool things that I am keeping under wraps at the moment.

In the meantime I will be kicking out the prints, working on some more paintings, and all kind of stuff! YAY ART! Hooray!

As always – Have a great day and make some art!

Please follow me on instagram or tumblr for updates and Work-in-Progress shots: