I ran a 5k on Saturday morning. It was about 50 degrees and lightly sprinkling. The course was mostly on a crushed gravel trail, which had been getting rained on overnight, so it was pretty sloppy and splashy. I finished in 26:14, which is OK in my book. I was taking it a little easy and pacing myself a little slower than I probably would have, because I was getting annoyed at trying to manuever around people to pass them, and I settled in behind these 2 girls who I could not get around easily.
Ideal Cleaners is the best band around. Their new stuff SLAYS. Die Die Die! from New Zealand is great!Latitude Longitude from Omaha is real good, too.
Killigans have songs from the new album up on myspace now, and videos on youtube as well… check them out! The new album will be back in 2 weeks and we are doing the CD Release shows at Knickerbockers on April 21!
I’m doing some work on canvas… not really painting so much as printing… I’ve got this idea I’m trying to work out- so far it’s only about 50% there…. should be able to get it figured out though.
eyeskull is going strong! I am going to do a merch photo shoot this week so I can bring some attention to the new stuff I’m making… and try to make some sales to pay for the postage and printing for all the stickers I’m sending out! It’s nuts! I’m setting up a new shop and I’ll be re-working how some of the site operates to make it easier for people to figure out what to do.