Destroyer – or – how the internet is awesome

OK so you know how the internet is amazing and how everything that could exist does exist and the internet will find it for you, no matter how unlikely? Well I was recently visited by this phenomenon when I was working on a little weird project at work. Long story short- this spring my agency produced a series of commercials that touted the “ruggedness” of a client’s product, a rifle scope, and in one of the commercials the scope was attached to a jackhammer.

So then last month we decided that we wanted to do another (internal) showcase of motion graphics and video work, and we came up with the concept of creating VHS boxes for each of the projects. No big deal, just kind of a fun thing to play with, and have some fun making some retro looking box designs. My coworker Aaron found a site devoted to displaying high quality scans called VHS Wasteland (go check it out and say goodbye to an hour of your day). It was fun to google around for different genres and we also went to a local game recycler and found some actual boxes for inspiration… Anyway, in my research of VHS artwork I came across a blog article title that I could not pass up : “The 30 Most Amazingly Terrible VHS Boxes of All Time” – which sounded promising: check it out. After a bunch of scrolling through a ton of bad covers, this little gem popped up:


Yes, that is Lyle Alzado(‘s head pasted on?) holding a jackhammer with a scope on it. A different version of the cover looks like this :


Destroyer (from Wiki) Reviews on IMDB:

As weird as all this is, the youtube clips and still shots I’ve seen from the movie look more like this:


Notice the LACK OF SCOPE on that jackhammer? I sure did. So what is with that poster/VHS box? I guess it’s a prime example of embellishment on the part of the artist who put it together, I’m guessing a dude (or ladydude) who hadn’t seen the movie. Or just really wanted there to be a scope, or possibly a laser scope thing? Well. Regardless of what the hell happened in 1988, I felt this stupid image MUST be used on my box… so I did. How could I not.
Screen Shot 2013-06-17 at 3.41.36 PM

Goofy? Yes. Fun? Yes! Internet wins.

What else have I need up to? I don’t know. Stuff. Cool stuff.

peace out and may the internet bring you happiness.