The spring was long and cold and I’m ready for summer. How’s about you?
What’s happened in the past … 6 weeks or so that I haven’t posted an update? Well, my LNK logo made it onto a Draplin poster! so that’s weird.
also people keep asking me for patches. IF YOU WANT A PATCH GO HERE: : I guess if you don’t login to your Etsy account once in a while all your stuff goes away so I re-listed it. or something.
I painted some more stuff, here’s a couple of examples:
I made a lunch box for the OUTSIDE THE LUX BOX … Lux fundraiser. The whole inside was full of stickers, a little treasure trove of stickers for the right skater type person to buy the box and get a ton of cool stickers. Someone told me later that people were just stealing the stickers that they liked. FUCKING ASS-HATS.
My old band Westside Proletariat reunited to play at Knickerbockers 20 Year anniversary show.
I got a new bike. It’s awesome. It’s a Karate Monkey from my favorite bike company, Surly.
I ran in the marathon, but only finished half, due to a knee injury. So all that training was for naught? Well, I did finish 13 miles as a real shocker. I didn’t know if I’d even make it that far, with me knee being messed up.
I made a fun video for the Killigans, and some experiements:
The Killigans – Take Me Back from Ben Swift on Vimeo.
ROBOT 2 from Ben Swift on Vimeo.
and an animation for work:
SR 2013 Salsa Challenge hype video from Ben Swift on Vimeo.
I think that’s about it. I’m probably going to make more art, video, and animation work. I am planning now to use as the vehicle for video stuff. I’ll let you know when good stuff happens!