2012 is shaping up to have a lot of stuff going on. bullet points:
- I have been working on a new website for Screen Ink which will go live very soon. Can’t wait!
- BicycLincoln is having a rollout on Feb 25th, and we are going to have a big year. Bicycle advocacy at the local level.
- Mt. Make More is going great, and we are adding more people to the mix. If you haven’t checked it out, please do. Creative people talking about the creative process.
- the Killigans are set to record a new album, beginning at the end of March. I will be doing the drumming, and of course, the artwork.
- I’ve been getting back into 3d work -first using Blender, now to trial some other software, including Cinema4d.
- Ski trip in March- that will be fun. Going to A-Basin this year.
- Got a poster design approved for Sleepy Sun, need to print it.
- Half marathon in May, and probably again in September.
- Possible west coast bike tour, trip to Italy or China, conferences, tour dates, 3 weddings, and whatever else comes along. And that’s just the first 6 months or so.
What will this all mean, art wise? no idea. I have been going to the figure drawing classes, and that has been great. I will be continuing on that exercise. I want to start painting at class, so that will be the next step. The pencil and paper thing is getting old fast. Started a new idea management system that I am starting to make work for me. Broke out a new sketchbook with intent to sketch more. The year is young and already almost a 6th over. Time to start thinking more, doing less. Making More.