I attended the Flashbelt conference in Minneapolis, MN a couple of weeks ago, and left fully inspired, energized and a little overwhelmed by the experience. I had the same feeling last year when I left, and wanted to regain the feeling. It basically comes down to spending three 8 hour days getting bombarded with information from the people who are creating genius level work, and the after parties, where you get to talk shop and BS with the best in the industry. I left feeling mentally fatigued, but with a ton of notes from the brain-dump.
I wrote up a summary of the Flashbelt conference and thought I’d share it here. If you have any interest in Flash, internet technology, or similar geeky things, you may enjoy it. I’ve got many, many links to amazing stuff at the end.
Flashbelt 2009
Wrap up notes
If I had to condense everything I was exposed to at Flashbelt into 3 main topics they would be:
1. Convergence
2. Open-Source
3. Simplicity
more after the jump…
1. Convergence – the topic of convergence was talked about both explicitly and implicitly in at least half of the sessions I attended. Convergence topics ranged from internet entertainment, to news, to government, to social media and Television. The broad scope of convergence and the internet means that more and more people are using the internet more and more, and that the rapid adoption of internet enabled devices means that this number is growing nearly exponentially. People who use the internet do so in more ways all the time, for banking, for communication, for entertainment, etc