November 14 update

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Let’s see. OH YEAH! Tomorrow night is the opening of “Oodles of Doodles” – my group art show with Ryan Holt and Peter Morris. It looks awesome. It’s all small drawings that are fun, family friendly (mostly) and very affordable. Bring some folding money and get a bunch of gifts for the holidays. Easy. Here’s a preview of my stuff:

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I also finished a big “landscape” painting the other day. It’s a “neon prairie” painting and it’s 5 foot by 3 foot. It’s really quite lovely. I also sold my previous finished landscape painting. So there’s that.

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I’ve been working on video projects, a client project in NYC, and now a new client project in Quebec, if you can imagine. So that’s fun. Need to get that kid’s book wrapped up. Need to do a lot of things.

Started animation on the beaver, so maybe a cartoon is not far behind? I am not sure. Right now I am doing animation tests.

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OK- come to the show tomorrow, or buy some of my art on here, or buy some socks, you know you want to!

As always – Have a great day and make some art!

Please follow me on instagram or tumblr for updates and Work-in-Progress shots: