Brand New Prints, Available on Friday, Dec 1!

Camel Soup 4

For your smoking pleasure: I present: “Camel Soup” – a series of prints mashing up Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup series and Camel Cigarette packaging. Taking the most recognizable aspects of each iconic design, I blended them into a seamlessly awesome new work, a conceptual beauty without peer! These prints turned out with amazing quality, too.

Camel Straight Camel Filters Camel Wides Camel Menthol

Series includes: Camel (straight), Camel Filters, Camel Wides, and Camel Menthol. “Why no Camel Lights?” Because I hate Camel Lights, that’s why!


These prints are approximately 6″x9″ on white, 150 lb. coverstock cut to 12″x9″. Hand-pulled by me in 4 inks. They look really sharp in standard-size 12″x9″ frames, with or without a matte, or could be framed together with a custom matte and frame. Go crazy!


Available ONLY as a set : S/N edition of 40


note: I really enjoy the pop-art of the 60’s and 70’s for its tongue-in-cheek inclusion of pop culture icons and images, and its subversive look at commercialism and celebrity. I also enjoy Camel’s brand power, advertising campaigns, and, in particular, their inclusion of art in their specialty packaging and marketing efforts. I attempted to combine the strengths and spirit of both in a respectful hommage. 




Minnie RedMickey Red Next up: a his-n-hers set of lightly mutated Mickey and Minnie prints. The tripled-up eyes and ears, razor sharp teeth, crossbones, and gleeful smiles combine to create a scary, funny, manic sort of energy. The saturated colors of the off-kilter background (super-magnified spores) adds to the zombie-carnival hilarity. Sure to be a favorite with the Disney set.


Minnie Green Mickey Green

These prints are approximately 6″x9″ on white, 150 lb. coverstock cut to 12″x9″. Hand-pulled by me in 3 inks.


Red background : S/N edition of 25


Green background : S/N edition of 15



ConeHead ChickenLegs

Next up: 2 new prints in my FoodTunes series: “ConeHead” and “ChickenLegs.” I think these are my new favorites of the FoodTunes, because I’ve been taking time to get back to drawing, and refining my drawings through a number of new techniques. On these prints, I  focused on using line, color, and halftone shading to create some fun and kooky “characters.”  I registered the yellow screen a little out of whack, adding flavor to the handmade quality. I think “ChickenLegs” is my favorite of the 2, but whatevs.


These prints are approximately 6″x9″ on natural, 150 lb. coverstock cut to 12″x9″. Hand-pulled by me in 3 inks.


ConeHead : S/N edition of ONLY 13


ChickenLegs : S/N edition of 23




EyeSkullFinally, I’d like to introduce EyeSkull, a cute little guy I created this summer. I have been working on creating avenues to unleash him on the world. I am not a street artist, but if I were, I can guarantee I would be pasting and painting this guy up all over the place. I am working on several paintings (on canvas), and some prints, as well as getting paste-ups, stickers, hoodies, and shirts ready to hit the streets in limited quantities. Let me know if you are interested in seeing more EyeSkull! And check out, coming soon, where I will have all the goodies ready to roll!