eyeskull & pet monster

eyeskull & pet monster
Toy2R Qee figures, Sculpy, acrylic paint, metallic paint, super glue, tissue paper, tooth-picks, paper-clips, leather, eraser
approx 3 inches high

Custom Toy2R Qees I made for the Qeeology 2.5 show that Toy2R put on here in Lincoln NE. I used Sculpy on the Eyeskull character, and used 2 sets of arms to give him elbows. The pet moster’s wings are made of tracing paper and toothpicks, while his head is a molded rubber eraser that I painted with metallic paint.

There were a ton of really nice pieces in the show- for more details and photos, go here: http://www.qeeworld.com/blog/qeeology-2-5-diy-exhibit-event-recap/